power Power, by Marcel Brummell 1. Cover of Chapbook. Designed in likeness of John Clarke and Albert Glover’s “A Curriculum of the Soul” 2. Inside Cover with publishing information. 3. Quote about power and the role it has played in [communication] history 4. Poem that shows the many things that “Power is”. 5. Acknowledgement of Olson and his impact on poetry and chapbooks 6. Poem that describes “power” 7. How Power has played a significant part in history; the history of power [early stages of power] 8. Poem about Political Power 9. The Exercising of Power by Those who are not in “power” 10. Definition of Power 11. Early Cave drawing of a bull, an animal that has its own kind of power 12. Poem about the power of ideas 13. Image of Silenced Ideas 14. Poem about the Evils of Power 15. Censorship is a prime example of how power affects communications. 16. Propaganda & Power, a false communication. 17. Controlling of Communication by those in Power [propaganda] 18. Poem about censorship and the power of the pen 19. Back Cover, the End. This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.