messages Messages, by Jessica Jiang Page 1: Front cover of the chapbook. Page 2: Olson’s first half of the curriculum and introduction to the topic. Page 3: Analysis of a text message and how it can propel miscommunication. Page 4: Origin of slang and the use of the first emoticons. Page 5: Origins of the emoji and the impact cave art has on its development. Page 6: Emoji illustrations by classmates using the 12 by 12 pixel grid. Page 7: Looking into the future of how text messaging and emojis might change. Page 8: Analyzing the first text speak poem. Page 9: Original poem about text messaging behaviors accompanied by an illustration Page 10: Publishing information as well as the second half of Olson’s curriculum. Page 11: Back cover of the chapbook including more emoji illustration from classmates. This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.