how to live as a single natural being How to Live as a a Natural Single Being, by Jacky Qiu How to Live as a a Natural Single Being by Jacky Qiu Page 2: A brief explanation also questioning what “Living As A Natural Single Being means” Page 3: Poem Written by me and how I think single Living is Page 4: Interaction page where I had people write their own opinions about what single being means Page 5: A paragraph regarding a new idea about how it’s even more impossible to live as a single being Page 6: Self-Made collage of What I think Single living in absolute isolation is Page 7: Brief Paragraph explaining my own perspective of my collage. Page 8: Picture to represent common misconception of what Living a single being. Page 9: More in-depth information about how everything we do in life is a social interaction. Page 10: Trigger warning for information on Genie the Feral Child Page 11: Briefly talk about Genie the Feral Child Page 12: “Total Isolation Poem” by Hasmukhal Page 13: My Own perspective and opinions on the poem Page 14 – 15: Ending statements and question for viewers. Explication on Olson Copyrights, year that it was produced in, how many copies was made. This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.